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  • The only offer of its kind in the world
  • Little or no competition
  • It's so easy to generate affiliate income that there's a huge interest in this product.

Don't wait any longer and discover what our affiliate programme for SEOs has to offer!


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This affiliation enables you to benefit from passive income very easily by collecting no less than 15% of the income generated by your referrals in cash or 30% in vouchers.


15% will be paid back to you in cash, i.e. €1.5 per item ordered, for the lifetime of all your referrals. If you choose to receive a voucher, 30% of the amount generated will be paid back to you, i.e. €3 in the form of a voucher.


You will receive 15% in cash, i.e. €1.5 per item ordered, for the lifetime of all your referrals. If you choose to receive a voucher, 30% of the amount generated will be paid to you, i.e. €3 in the form of a voucher.

Payment can be requested at any time once your affiliate account has exceeded €150. Unlike many other services, we offer you the choice between a cash refund or a voucher.

Cash refund: Payment via PayPal (required outside Europe) or bank transfer (Europe only).  
Gift voucher: A promotional code corresponding to the amount of your gift voucher will be sent to you by e-mail.


To distribute this offer, you have an affiliate link or various banners available in the affiliate section of your account.


It is strictly forbidden to :

Take advantage of your affiliation to place your own orders,
Use spam techniques, whether by e-mail, contact form or any other borderline technique.